Full-body massage

"Go, Go, GO", the profusely made-up Asian lady at the reception desk instructed me. "First massage, pay later".
I didn't know what awaited me at my hotel's spa. It was a fairly satisfactory hotel and I expected a fair degree of satisfaction.

A short amiable gentleman in a beige uniform ushered me into a locker room and directed me, by means of gestures, to take off my clothes. Then he furnished me with a blue satin gown and a pair of over-sized satin shorts. The silky fabric soothed my skin. I could smell the sweet scent of repose. An eager hand, attached to an obedient body in a beige uniform, opened the door to a waiting room of sorts.
It was a spacious circular chamber, dimly lit and decorated with Egyptian motifs which seemed to be projected onto the walls and the vaulted ceiling.
Astral Asian vocals trickled down like angelic irrigation. Cool conditioned air was seeping into every opening of my silky outfit, causing my body to shiver gently and stretch back onto the quilted chaise long.
One intoxicating tea and two slices of water melon later, I was summoned and escorted to the next level, literally. A flight of carpeted stairs led me to a room at the end of a long corridor. My final destination.

The room was plain and oblong and contained nothing but a big bed with a face hole. The walls were covered with silver-lined dark-blue wallpaper.
I lay down on my stomach and waited.
Hypnotic hum of air-conditioner. Then a quick knock on the door. "Heylow". A tiny jovial girl smiled at me.

Through the head hole I zoomed in on her blue platform thong shoes. Then her tiny feet flickered away, evacuating the platforms, and I could feel them racing all over my back, tiny toes pinching my skin skillfully. She alternated feet with hands, making my body perk up. After treating my back elaborately, she flipped me over, grabbed my chest and shouted: "Booby!"

I closed my eyes and felt two tiny claws gently scratching my upper thighs...

I would like to say: the rest is history but the truth is that after several explicit indecent proposals, I sneaked out while she went to the toilet. No happy ending yet a huge smile on my face.
I was still smiling when the profusely made-up Asian lady at the reception desk woke me from my daydream.
"TIP, TIP, TIP", she insisted.
My tip was fairly satisfactory. Just like the full-body massage.

I am still smiling while putting the story in words. Maybe the ending was happy, after all.


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