I was going with the flow. My consciousness was slipping into a sub state ever so slightly, like a wet towel in a steam room sliding off a languid limb, heavy with its own weight and ready to succumb to weightlessness by way of a simple yet undecipherable physics formula. The downside of excitement is exhaustion. While at the peak of excitement, my thoughts were itchy, dry and flammable, in the pit of exhaustion they were vapid, soggy and bloated. Day in, day out, I was oscillating between excitement and exhaustion driven by the flow in a seemingly forward direction yet lacking a clear course, a sense of destination and milestones along the way. As a result, my home had turned into a storage place for unrealised ideas and mutually exclusive objects. It seemed that gravity, the fundamental force of attraction, was pulling everything downwards stronger than ever. My reluctance to lift up something which had accidentally fallen down was also growing stronger day by day and the prospect...